No matter how challenging you try to make your self think that what you already have is excellent enough for your need, you will find nevertheless a lot of a lot more goods come along within the marketplace. So there will probably be a lot of questions creating up in your thoughts, are they excellent enough? Which is the best? Is it tough to use? Can I afford? In accordance with that fact, we proudly present you our Bodum Stainless-Steel Fondue with Glass Insert Which is the smartest and perfect initial choice that everyone must pick. And you are going to by no means regret it after. Since we're incredibly concentrate on your demand and high quality of our product. Not simply that, we also hardly spend attention on the functional and appearance too. Our Bodum Stainless-Steel Fondue with Glass Insert is the most cautious technology. And also combine probably the most intelligent method that is certainly very simple to function. Alternatively, probably the most durability is included.
From this moment on you are going to not been bothered using the tough function any longer. We had been developing and generating this outstanding product for you and your house. Don't spend any a lot more time to vacillate to obtain our product into your house. There is certainly no doubt that our Bodum Stainless-Steel Fondue with Glass Insert will boost your living life style to produce your house closer towards the fantasy house exactly where you had been dreaming to live in for ages. Your dream living life style just isn't out of reach anymore.
Be sure that you're adding our Bodum to be the initial choice of the house improvement list. we're confident that getting our product is your perfect choice for you and your love house.
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Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $93.50
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Discontinued, No longer offered by Bodum.This is the Bodum Polished Stainless-Steel Fondue with Glass Insert, that was exclusive to Williams and Sonoma.
- Serves oil, broth, cheese, and chocolate fondues
- Stainless-steel pot with glass-bowl insert for fondues
- Pot holds 2 quarts of oil or broth; glass bowl holds 1 quart
- Uses gel fuel (not included)
- Includes six 9-1/4-inch fondue forks
Bodum Stainless-Steel Fondue with Glass Insert Specifications
Strikingly contemporary in design, this fondue set combines a shapely, satin-finish stainless-steel pot and a glass bowl insert to serve all forms of fondue: oil, broth, cheese, and chocolate. The pot holds 2 quarts or more of oil or broth for festively cooking meat, poultry, seafood, and vegetables. The glass bowl insert has stainless-steel handles to lower it into the pot partially filled with hot water to keep 1 quart or more of cheese or chocolate fondue melted. Neither the pot nor the glass bowl are stovetop-safe so oil or broth need to be brought to a simmer in another container on the stove. When partially immersed in simmering water, the glass bowl will melt chocolate, but cheese fondue is best prepared first on the stove. Six stainless-steel fondue forks and a fork holder that fits into the pot's top are included. Gel fuel is required, but not included. The pot stands 9-3/4 inches high on an 8-1/8-inch-diameter base. All parts are dishwasher-safe. --Fred BrackClick here to see Bodum Stainless-Steel Fondue with Glass Insert full review & compare prices
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